Techniques for Dealing with Stress & Anxiety

We’ve put together some useful resources to help with stress and anxiety:

  1. Practical activities (via national Mind)
  2. Keep Active (via NHS Gym Free Workouts)
  3. Mindshift during COVID-19 (via North Kent Mind)
  4. How to manage your anxiety (via Anxiety UK)
  5. Living with Worry & Anxiety (via Psychology Tools)
  6. Mindfulness Music Tracks (via North Kent Mind):

Every Mind Matters : 10 tips to help if you are worried about coronavirus

Disc 1.

  1. Breath, sounds, thoughts & emotions meditation (19:01 mins)
  2. Body Scan (14: 36 mins)
  3. Mindfulness of breath (9:57 mins)
  4. The benefits of guided meditation in everyday life (11:52 mins) Jon Kabat Zinn

Disc  2.

  1. Kieran Fleck – Sitting Meditation (20:18 mins)
  2. Ten minute mindfulness of breathing (10: 01 mins)
  3. Sitting with the breath (15: 02mins)
  4. Six minute breathing awareness (6:32 mins)

Apps for Mental Health

Chill Panda

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Chill Panda is for children and adults who want to learn how to manage stress, relax and feel better. It uses your phone’s camera to measure your heart rate and suggests playful tasks to suit your state of mind.  Tasks include simple breathing techniques and lighter exercises to take your mind of off your worries.

Calm Harm

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Calm Harm is suitable for people who are trying to manage urges to self-harm.  It is based on the principles of dialectical behaviour therapy – a type of talking of therapy that is often effective in people with mood disorders.  The app suggests task to encourage users to distract themselves from urges to self-harm and help manage their emotional mind in a more positive way.


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Headspace helps you to let go of stress and relax with guided meditations and mindfulness techniques that bring calm, wellness and balance to your life in just a few minutes a day. There are exercises on topics including managing anxiety, stress relief, breathing, happiness and focus.


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Cove lets you create music to capture your mood and express how you feel.  Instead of using words, create music to reflect emotions like joy, sadness, loneliness and anger.  You can store your music in a private journal with text or send it to someone when you are struggling to express yourself through words.

Happy Not Perfect

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Is a toolkit for your mind.  Backed by science Happy Not Perfect enables you to play the daily happiness workout to reduce stress and improve sleep, learn breathing techniques, let go of negative thoughts, practice a positive mindset, meditate, set goals and track progress.


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Is an anonymous peer-to-peer social network. It is a space to share your thoughts, feelings and secrets, give and receive support and connect to other support organisations.  You can create a virtual pet who gets happier the more good you do.

Thrive: Feel Stress Free

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Feel Stress Free helps you manage stress, anxiety and related conditions. Use the app to relax before a stressful situation or as part of your regular routine.


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iPrevail connects you with people who face similar situations and know what you’re going through, with communities on stress, anxiety, depression and more.

Catch It

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Learn how to manage feelings like anxiety and depression with Catch It. The app will teach you how to look at problems in a different way, turn negative thoughts into positive ones and improve your mental wellbeing.

My Possible Self

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The My Possible Self app aims to help you take control of your thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Use the app to help manage fear, anxiety and stress, and tackle unhelpful thinking.


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The Pzizz app aims to help you stop your mind racing, get to sleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed.

Health Unlocked

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Use HealthUnlocked to find and connect with people with mental health conditions, including low mood, panic and anxiety.

Feeling Good

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Feeling Good uses the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy to help improve thoughts and feelings, self-esteem and self-confidence.

Wellbeing Information

Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook

A Tool to Help You Build Resilience During Difficult Times

Free trial Mindfulness Apps

Headspace – Available for iOS and Android. Designed to help you train your mind and body for a healthier, happier life and get the most out of your day, Headspace can be used anywhere. The free version of the app includes meditations and exercises that will teach you the essentials of meditation and mindfulness. 

Calm – Available for iOS and Android. Calm is the perfect meditation app for beginners (there’s a seven-day beginner’s programme to get you started) but also includes programmes for more advanced users.

The short, guided meditation sessions cover the basics of mindfulness and there’s also a library of soothing nature sounds and scenes to use at your leisure. One great feature if you’re looking to improve your sleeping patterns is the ‘Sleep Stories’ – bedtime stories for adults ‘guaranteed to lull you to sleep’. 

Insight Timer – Available for iOS and Android. Entry price: Free. But you have to navigate around the subscription screen with the button that says “Start 7 Day Trial. Once you scroll past that, you can access the free content. 

Insight Timer has a huge library of content: over 25,000 guided meditations from around 3,000 teachers on topics like stress, relationships, creativity, and more.

Stop, Breathe & Think

Available for iOS and Android. Entry price: Free. If you explore “All Sessions” you can access the free meditations all in one place.

Helpful Links to support emotional wellbeing

The Mental Health Foundation also has helpful tips and advice:

They also have a section on staying at home and abusive relationships:

Take Control in Crisis (write up)

This could be useful if individuals are struggling with the aspect of control or k this case, the lack of as this breaks it down into what can be and what can’t and may be comforting.

BPS- psychologist

This is a collection of written literature on different aspects of the situation. I am not saying everyone will like this, but if you have people who feel knowledge helps and likes to read around this situation, then these could be useful tools.

Every Mind-  How To Manage Your Mental Health

This is a good tool when looking at mental health and the effects of what is happening is having on it. Not for everyone but this may be useful for some people. useful as this allows people to really identify, understand, and become more aware of the difference between stress, worry, and anxiety and how to tackle these.

Every Mind- Managing Your Mental Health While Working From Home

Virus Anxiety: a website sharing different tools and resources.

NHS  – Fitness Studio’s range of online exercise videos including   aerobic, dancing, yoga, Pilates, strength and resistance exercises.

Every Mind Matters – Mindfulness Video –

Mind – great ideas and information

Be Active

Free Staying Active at Home Guide

Before doing any physical activity please contact your GP if you have any concerns.

Free access to our online course: Mental Health Awareness for Sport and Physical Activity

Now more than ever, we need to look after each other’s mental health and wellbeing. Coaches and coaching organisations have told us that they are increasingly concerned about supporting the mental health of those whom they coach, as well as ensuring their own wellbeing.

To support the coaching community, Mind along with partners UK Coaching, 1st4sport and Sport England, announced on Monday 18 May that the online course Mental Health Awareness for Sport and Physical Activity is now available free of charge. Usually £18, the course is accessible on the UK Coaching website and will remain free until 31 August 2020. 

The course which takes 2-3 hours to complete, is aimed at everyone who works in clubs, community sport and physical activity – including coaches, activators, sports administrators, front of house staff or volunteers. Learners will be able to increase their knowledge of mental health, and confidence when applying the learning into their coaching practice. 

Specifically, learners will be able to: 

• welcome and support people living with mental health problems in their sport and physical activity sessions 

• increase their knowledge of mental health problems 

• apply the learning in their coaching practice

• make their club or organisation more inclusive.

 More information

For information about this course or Mind’s physical activity work, please get in touch with the Physical Activity Team via or visit

Try out mindfulness and yoga with our activity sheet

This month we are sharing our mindfulness and yoga activity sheet. Both of these activities can benefit our mental wellbeing. Sometimes it’s good to stop and take notice of what is going on in the present moment, as doing this can help you become more aware of how you are thinking and feeling.

Please feel free to try out this resource, or share it with anyone who may find it useful.

Mature Movers Online Classes

Some useful physical/mindfulness activity guides from Mind.

Patrick MoJo – Personal Trainer

LIVE HIIT classes are every night live on my Instagram account. The basis behind them is to exercise the mind and body to be in a better state of wellness during lockdown.

Patrick Mojo – PT

Patrick MoJo – PT

P.E with Joe

Joe Wicks everyday 9am live stream free PE lesson for all ages, can also be accessed anytime

Davina McCall is offering 30 days free access to Own Your Goals and no card details are required. Lots of different programmes and classes available

Daily workouts app various different workouts for full body workout abs, arms, legs, cardio,  pilates, stretch and kettle workouts. IOS and Android.

Simply Yoga app 20,40 & 60 minute yoga routines all free all taught by certified yoga instructor. IOS and Android

Coronavirus: How to protect your mental health

Coronavirus has plunged the world into uncertainty and the constant news about the pandemic can feel relentless. All of this is taking its toll on people’s mental health, particularly those already living with conditions like anxiety and OCD. So how can we protect our mental health?

Being concerned about the news is understandable, but for many people it can make existing mental health problems worse.

So how can we protect our mental health?

Limit the news and be careful what you read

Having long periods away from news websites and social media has helped him to manage his anxiety. He has also found support helplines, run by mental health charities such as AnxietyUK, useful.

  • Limit the amount of time you spend reading or watching things which aren’t making you feel better. Perhaps decide on a specific time to check in with the news
  • There is a lot of misinformation swirling around – stay informed by sticking to trusted sources of information such as government and NHS websites
  • Have breaks from social media and mute things which are triggering
  • Mute key words which might be triggering on Twitter and unfollow or mute accounts
  • Mute WhatsApp groups and hide Facebook posts and feeds if you find them too overwhelming

Wash your hands – but not excessively

OCD Action has seen an increase in support requests from people whose fears have become focused on the coronavirus pandemic.

For people with OCD and some types of anxiety, being constantly told to wash your hands can be especially difficult to hear.

Charity OCD Action says the issue to look out for is the function – for example, is the washing being carried out for the recommended amount of time to reduce the risk of spreading of the virus – or is it being done ritualistically in a specific order to feel “just right”?

Stay connected with people

Increasing numbers will join those already in self-isolation so now might be a good time to make sure you have the right phone numbers and email addresses of the people you care about.

“Agree regular check-in times and feel connected to the people around you,” says Weatherley.

If you’re self-isolating, strike a balance between having a routine and making sure each day has some variety.

It might end up actually feeling like quite a productive two weeks. You could work through your to-do list or read a book you’d been meaning to get to.

Avoid burnout

With weeks and months of the coronavirus pandemic ahead, it is important to have down time. Mind recommends continuing to access nature and sunlight wherever possible. Do exercise, eat well and stay hydrated.

AnxietyUK suggests practising the “Apple” technique to deal with anxiety and worries.

  • Acknowledge: Notice and acknowledge the uncertainty as it comes to mind.
  • Pause: Don’t react as you normally do. Don’t react at all. Pause and breathe.
  • Pull back: Tell yourself this is just the worry talking, and this apparent need for certainty is not helpful and not necessary. It is only a thought or feeling. Don’t believe everything you think. Thoughts are not statements or facts.
  • Let go: Let go of the thought or feeling. It will pass. You don’t have to respond to them. You might imagine them floating away in a bubble or cloud.
  • Explore: Explore the present moment, because right now, in this moment, all is well. Notice your breathing and the sensations of your breathing. Notice the ground beneath you. Look around and notice what you see, what you hear, what you can touch, what you can smell. Right now. Then shift your focus of attention to something else – on what you need to do, on what you were doing before you noticed the worry, or do something else – mindfully with your full attention.

Community Services

Live Well Kent Evaluation Report

North Kent Mind Wellbeing Services

Age 17+

01322 291380 or

A wide range of wellbeing services are available using venues in Dartford,
Gravesend or Swanley. Services include:

CHSS University of Kent Report: The impact of Live Well Kent towards health-related outcomes and promoting self-management.

NKM Films

North Kent Mind has been involved in various projects which have resulted in films being produced. Please take a look at them below:

For a look at some of North Kent Mind’s past services and projects see our film archive.

Mindfulness is a process of learning how to live our lives more in the present moment, rather than being on ‘auto-pilot’ or living in ‘our heads’ with our thoughts, worrying about the past or the future. Mindfulness was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979, and from this time has been developed for improving mental and physical wellbeing.

Ecology Island is a nature-based intervention, which takes place weekly across 8 sessions in a woodland area of Central Park, Dartford. The participants take part in a range of nature-based activities which allow them to learn new skills in a supported environment, outdoors in nature.
Examples include bushcraft, campfire cooking, scrub clearance, wildlife ID, litter picking, bird and bat box building, wildflower planting and more.

North Kent Mind Talking Therapies – IAPT promotion…

Supported Housing…

SilverCloud Health provides a wide range of online guided self-help programmes for stress, depression and anxiety. Every client is allocated a psychological wellbeing practitioner from our service who will guide them through the programme and help with any questions they have.
Programmes consist of around six or seven modules – which can be completed at the individual’s own pace, over approximately eight weeks.
Clients with SilverCloud Health receive secure access to online supported CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) programmes, tailored to their specific needs, which have demonstrated high improvement rates for depression, anxiety and stress. https://northkentmind.silvercloudheal…

Looking for work, we could help with Individual Placement Support. We offer weekly support with job searching, CVs, mock interviews, dealing with interview anxieties and identifying suitable opportunities, providing tools to move forward in competitive employment., run in conjunction with Porchlight and Live Well Kent & Medway.

The All Our Stories Project recorded the experiences of our service users and resulted in a short film and art exhibition.

The Limelight Project was to celebrate 50 years of North Kent Mind we held a performance in June this year at the Orchard Theatre Dartford. .

Ecology Island is a nature-based intervention, which takes place weekly across 8 sessions in a woodland area of Central Park, Dartford. The participants take part in a range of nature-based activities which allow them to learn new skills in a supported environment, outdoors in nature. Examples include bushcraft, campfire cooking, scrub clearance, wildlife ID, litter picking, bird and bat box building, wildflower planting and more.

Open sessions are held on Mondays in Gravesend. They offer an unpressured environment, a ‘safe space’ where people with mental health issues can come and meet others and generally socialise.

Wellbeing Services. Many different services are provided by this department: they are all open to anyone aged 17 or over who has a mental health issue and lives within the Dartford, Gravesham or Swanley area.

To mark World Mental Health Day on the 10th October 2020. North Kent Mind has created a mindfulness breathing technique video.

North Kent Mind Service-User An inspirational video from a North Kent Mind service-user, who shares her tips for self-isolation. Thank you so much for allowing us to share. For more information please visit:

Mind Pilot Project (Medway virtual schools funding)

An exciting new project that sees us working with 6 local Secondary schools and 5 local primary schools for school years 2020/2021 and 2021/2022. Our work aims to deliver a mixture of individual, group and drop-in support to suit all student needs.

For secondary schools:

Trained schools coaches’ work 1-1 with students* to increase self-awareness through solution focused conversations, psychoeducation and guided support activities. This is a safe, reflective space to discuss current challenges concerning peers, school, personal wellbeing and general life experiences.

Group work focuses on topics such as self-esteem, stress, anxiety and low mood, providing a place where students can come together, express themselves and talk about problems in a safe, comfortable environment. They are highly participative and activity based and teach young people coping strategies to help them manage their symptoms and conditions.

Additionally, we offer a drop-in service for students as a general support, information and advice giving and signposting service. This includes promotion of positive mental health through mindfulness activities, arts, peer support, safe spaces for expression or additional schoolwork.

For primary schools:

Trained primary school coaches work 1-1 with children* using various positive interventions such as solution focussed conversations, problem solving, arts (drawing & talking), creativity, interactive activities and Lego therapy. It is a safe, reflective space to discuss current challenges concerning peers, school, personal wellbeing, emotional awareness and general life experiences.

Group work will be facilitated by North Kent Mind to introduce children to a range of topics such as emotions (including anger), stress & anxiety, low mood, relationships and resilience. Each session will provide an opportunity learn about a specific topic through age appropriate discussion and activities, reflection and enable the child to take away practical tools or coping strategies to support wellbeing.

Where appropriate, structured drop-in style sessions can be scheduled and age-appropriate advice, information and positive mental health promotion will be facilitated.

*Please note this intervention is not clinical therapy, should this be required, a subsequent referral will be discussed with the school

If a project like this would benefit your school, North Kent Mind can offer support with grant applications to access our Youth Support programmes. Our team will identify the most relevant source of funding to your institution, helping through each stage of the application process.

For more information please contact: