What is SUN?
The Service User Network (SUN) is a new, free, and easy to access peer support service for adults experiencing difficulties with complex emotions often associated with a personality disorder. The service provides ongoing, open-ended support in the form of groups, aiming to build member’s connections with others experiencing similar difficulties, fostering an inclusive and mutually supportive environment.
How does SUN work?
We are excited to be working in partnership with Kent and Medway Social Care and Partnership Trust (KMPT) to deliver The Service User Network (SUN) across Kent and Medway!
Mind in Kent are providing the Lived Experience element of the SUN model, and are working together with KMPT’s Clinical Facilitators to enable SUN groups to run both in person and online at a variety of locations across the county.
Who is SUN for?
You do not need a diagnosis to access SUN and may, or may not, be accessing other support alongside SUN.
SUN is for anyone who:
- Is aged 18+, and registered with a GP in Kent or Medway
- Describes themselves as having complex emotional needs or difficulties with intense emotions
- Wants to be empowered to manage challenging situations and relationships
- Wants to learn from others who have had similar experiences
- Looking for additional support in the community.
How do I access SUN?
SUN membership is through self-referral which involves completing a short registration form along with a questionnaire.
To request a registration form or to find out more (including our current group timetable), you can contact the team on the details below:
Email: sun.kentandmedway@nhs.net
Tel: 01622 926802 (answerphone only)