Space From COVID Programme – Silvercloud

Space from COVID -FAQS
Space from COVID – Poster

The COVID-19 Pandemic has changed our idea of what’s normal, but you can start returning to what feels right for you with free clinically proven mental health support from SilverCloud, a trusted provider to the NHS.

Nurture your normal at

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As the United Kingdom and other countries begin to see a path towards an easing of social restrictions and the beginning of some form of a return to normal life, we recognise that this period comes with added challenges to our wellbeing.

SilverCloud wants to help with this process of recovery and support people’s journey to better wellbeing. 


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University Support Group

A friendly online group for young people in 6th form or their 1st year of university. This is a safe space to support each other and prepare for the challenges that come with starting university. Topics may include; challenges with COVID-19, Mindfulness skills for managing stress, creating an effective coursework structure etc. This group is peer led which means we focus on whatever you want support with (to download poster please click here).

Wednesday’s 1-2pm via ZOOM (starting 13th January 2021)

To register, please complete the form

Mental Health Crisis Survey, can you help us?

If you or the person you care for has had a mental health crisis we would like to hear from you. 

We have developed a short survey to hear about your experiences as we are looking to improve mental health crisis care in Kent and Medway.We are looking to hear from you if you or your loved one has:      

  • Been taken to a place of safety (usually a hospital) by the Police, otherwise known as S136·        
  • Been hospitalised as a result of mental ill health       
  • Been under the care of the Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team ·         
  • Attended A & E when experiencing a mental health crisis to receive support·         
  • Attended a safe haven or a crisis café

Please follow this link to the survey

This survey is open until midday on the 4 January 2021.

The survey is anonymous and the results will be shared with the S136 Improvement Group as well as the Local Mental Health User Voice Networks

Thank you in advance for completing the survey and please share as appropriate.