Mindfulness and Men’s Group

Here at North Kent Mind, we have lots of different Wellbeing Groups including Men’s Group, which encourages openly speaking about mental health and combining that with different activities. As well as Mindfulness, which teaches techniques for looking after your mental wellbeing.

Check out the attached posters to find out all information on those groups, along with venues and timings.

For information on all of our Wellbeing Groups, please select “Wellbeing Services” on the “Services” drop-down on our menu.

Self-referrals can be made here on the website.

Volunteer Week 2022!

From 1st until 7th June is volunteer week, a time for when we can say a huge THANK YOU to our volunteers.

Although we show appreciation to our volunteers throughout the year, we wanted to share some stories to show what it is like to be a volunteer, and showcase some of the amazing things they do!