Volunteer Week 2022!

From 1st until 7th June is volunteer week, a time for when we can say a huge THANK YOU to our volunteers.

Although we show appreciation to our volunteers throughout the year, we wanted to share some stories to show what it is like to be a volunteer, and showcase some of the amazing things they do!

The Dockyard Sessions – May and June dates!

Do you have a passion for music and being creative?

North Kent Mind, along with the music students from the University of Kent and their lecturers, have created the Dockyard Sessions. These are two practical workshops on paper marbling and music making!

The sessions will be held at The University of Kent in the Clock Tower Lecture Theatre on May 18th, 25th and June 1st from 10:30am—12:30pm.

You can register for this group via our Self-Referral form.

The Dockyard Sessions – May and June dates!