A Hedgehog Named Bob

Calli Malpas is a local musician and supporter of North Kent Mind, who is kindly donating the proceeds of all iTunes sales of her song ‘A Hedgehog Named Bob’ to our organisation. She hopes that the song, in which she describes her own mental health experiences, will help raise awareness of mental health and raise money for us.

Check out the video of ‘A Hedgehog Named Bob’ on Youtube and if you can download the track for just 79p from iTunes. Every penny helps!  Let’s send Bob on a global journey by


*Content Warning* Although this is quite an uplifting song and has a cute cartoon video, the lyrics briefly mention experience of suicidal ideation/thoughts. 

Purchase on Itunes

Download the track for just 79p All proceeds are donated to North Kent Mind. Every penny helps!


My Prudential RideLondon

Prudential Ride London may have been cancelled but that’s not going to stop the World’s greatest festival of cycling taking place.

My Prudential RideLondon is your chance to get on your bike – or scooter, skateboard, trike, tandem, penny farthing, roller skates, unicycle or any type of self-propelled wheels! – and take part, wherever you live and with whoever you like – family, friends or by yourself.

It’s your ride, your way, for North Kent Mind. Join our team and take part in the first ever VIRTUAL edition of the My Prudential RideLondon. 

Free to enter and open to all. Sign up here👇to help North Kent Mind. https://myridelondon.co.uk/register #MyPRL

Ecology Island Promo

Ecology Island is a nature-based intervention, which takes place weekly across 8 sessions in a woodland area of Central Park, Dartford. The participants take part in a range of nature-based activities which allow them to learn new skills in a supported environment, outdoors in nature. Examples include bushcraft, campfire cooking, scrub clearance, wildlife ID, litter picking, bird and bat box building, wildflower planting and more.


Silvercloud Promotion

SilverCloud Health provides a wide range of online guided self-help programmes for stress, depression and anxiety. Every client is allocated a psychological wellbeing practitioner from our service who will guide them through the programme and help with any questions they have. Programmes consist of around six or seven modules – which can be completed at the individual’s own pace, over approximately eight weeks.

Clients with SilverCloud Health receive secure access to online supported CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)  programmes, tailored to their specific needs, which have demonstrated high improvement rates for depression, anxiety and stress.

If you have a GP in Dartford, Gravesham or Swanley you will be able to sign up. Contact us now to join SilverCloud (details below) or just click here for the sign-up page.

email; alexvale@northkentmind.co.uk or call; 01322 533155

Virtual Online Workshop for our Preparing for Work course.

Preparing for Work Virtual Online Workshop poster

North Kent Mind is offering a new Virtual Online Workshop for our Preparing for Work course.

Adapted from our face to face courses, including the most beneficial sessions. Our new virtual online workshop will improve you skills, knowledge and employability!

* 5 Sessions starting 21st August 2020 *

  • Devising your CV
  • Writing a cover letter
  • Preparing for Interview
  • Managing Interview Stress
  • Making the best of yourself
  • + 1 final Zoom Q/A session *

Please note IT support is available if needed.

For more information please contact:

Emma Jarnell, 01322 291380, emmajarnell@northkentmind.co.uk