The raffle has now ended and the draw will take place on 20th October.
Good luck!

The 10th October is World Mental Health Day and the theme for 2023
(set by the World Foundation of Mental Health) is ‘Mental health is a universal human right’.
North Kent Mind are hosting a stall at Bluewater from the 8th—10th October to raise awareness around this important day.
We will be on hand to engage in conversations with the local community about what support we can offer
those who feel they are struggling.
It is important to talk about your mental health and everyone should know that they are not alone.
We will also be holding a raffle.
Tickets start from as little as £2 and we have some amazing prizes to be won, just in time for Christmas!
Tickets can be purchased in person at our stall in Bluewater or through our website at the link below.
All money received goes back into our charity and towards running our services for our local community.
We hope to see you at our Bluewater event and thank you for your continued support.