We really appreciate support from people in this difficult time ,and all donations will help us to increase our resources to support people with their mental health and wellbeing .
Donate here :
We really appreciate support from people in this difficult time ,and all donations will help us to increase our resources to support people with their mental health and wellbeing .
Donate here :
We’ve added a Ziffit link to our Virgin Money Giving account! You can now support our work from the comfort of your home, get involved as we #DeclutterAndDonate on May 5th for #GivingTuesdayNow
To make donating faster and easier supporters can download the Ziffit app. Anyone making trade-ins through Ziffit can now donate the value of their unwanted goodies directly to any charity registered with Virgin Money Giving by selecting North Kent Mind charity at the checkout.
Well-being volunteer, Olivia Cheale and her mum dropping the care packages they put together for some of our most vulnerable service users.
They dropped the boxes to support workers drive, with socially distanced and done safely. I understand that these were well received.
Olivia had some of the money given to her from Dartford Deeds but they topped up the boxes themselves.
NEW Covid19 Stress and Health Study – Closing soon!
Mind is supporting a research study examining how the Covid-19 pandemic is affecting the mental and physical health of people in the UK.
Taking part is quick and easy. It involves a short online survey (takes 10 minutes) and a couple of minutes to collect a small sample of hair from the back of your head. They use this to measure the stress hormone cortisol.
You are asked to do this now (or as soon as possible) and 12 weeks later.
This research will assess how stressed you feel but also how this stress is affecting you physically too. Full details on how to participate and collect your hair samples are on their website:
The first wave of the study ends soon (last day to participate is 30th April), so do log on soon if you wish to take part.
As frontline health, care, emergency and key workers, you put yourself at physical risk as you form our frontline against the coronavirus. You are also putting your mental health under pressure. We want to help make sure you get the right support with your mental health, both now and in the future.
Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. We have expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.
See: https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/
For Information on how to access these services during this time see the posters:
Employment Services Wellbeing Services
Cruse Bereavement Care Telephone: 0808 808 1766
During the global coronavirus pandemic we are facing a tragic loss of life, often under very difficult circumstances.
Bereaved people may have to deal with increased trauma, and may be cut off from some of their usual support network. Those who are already struggling with bereavement, or whose relatives or friends die through other causes will also be affected.
We have put together these resources to share how bereavement and grief may be affected by this pandemic. It covers some of the different situations and emotions bereaved people may have to deal with. We will be adding to and updating this information as the situation develops.
Kent TogetherA 24 hour helpline has been set up to support vulnerable people in Kent who need urgent help, supplies or medication.The helpline – called Kent Together – provides a single, convenient point of contact for anyone in the county who is in urgent need of help during the Coronavirus outbreak. It is a collaboration between KCC, central Government, District, Borough and local councils, the voluntary and community sector, the NHS, emergency services and other partners to ensure help is at hand for vulnerable people.It is also the place to report your concerns about the welfare of someone else.
Kent Together is being coordinated by Kent County Council which will feed the information through the network of volunteers, district and borough council teams and local support groups, to ensure people get the support they need, when they need it.
People’s needs will be assessed and staff will liaise with Community Hubs in the districts to prioritise those who need urgent help.
If you are vulnerable and have an urgent need that cannot be met through existing support networks, you can contact the Kent Together helpline at www.kent.gov.uk/KentTogether or by calling on
03000 41 92 92.
It is a 24 hour service.Kent County Council also has a page on its website answering frequently-asked questions and the very latest Coronavirus information on its service updates page.Visit www.kent.gov.uk to find out more.