For referrals to Wellbeing Services (DGS) please use this form
A support pathway of 12 weeks providing 1-1 person-centred support with one of our Wellbeing Coaches.
Service Users co-produce support plans alongside coaches with goals, life goals and identify actions based on a shared understanding of barriers to recovery, identify a preferred means to achieve them alongside support, and work towards sustainable recovery.
Weekly in person support sessions to support the journey to recovery, supporting partnerships, promoting connectedness, and social inclusion. Outside of which there can be calls and virtual ‘catch-ups’. Regular reviews of plans and goals will be undertaken jointly.
Home visits where coaches would support those housebound or socially avoidant due to anxiety related disorders via coproduced gradual exposure plans.
Walk and talk will be available as integral to all support plans for all individuals, encouraging behaviour motivation, ‘being outdoors’, and general wellbeing.
A listening ear would be integral to the support offer, hence all service users can access support outside of booked sessions, although this would not be open-ended.
Informal catch-ups in community settings i.e. public cafes, will encompass socialization and inclusion.
Please note: this is a support service, not counselling. If you do require counselling then please see our fee-paying counselling services.