We appreciate greatly the extra value that students on placement can bring to the work we undertake with service users, and also consider that, by taking on students we are fulfilling our role to raise mental health awareness.
Social Work Students
We regularly take Social Work Students, either BA or MA, on 70 day placements.
Placements within North Kent Mind offer the following
- In-house supervision and practice learning facilitation by qualified personnel
- Participation on the North Kent Mind 3 day training course
- A variety of work with groups, individuals and service users
- Access to the North Kent Mind specialist mental health library
Feedback from past and current students indicates that a North Kent Mind placement can be a very rewarding learning experience.
Mental Health Nurse Placements
It may also be possible to arrange placements for mental health nurses, especially where this is an active placement over an extended period.
For further information, please contact NORTH KENT MIND – 01322 291380 or use the contact form.
Trainee Counsellors
Trainee Counsellors on placement need to commit to two years work with us, working with at least 3 clients per week.
For trainee counselling placements contact HannahMaskell@northkentmind.co.uk