North Kent Mind has been funded by Medway Council to deliver the Short Intervention Therapy (SIT) project from September 2023- March 2026. This project supports children & young people in Medway aged 5-18 with a social worker or Family Solutions worker supporting them (including those who do not attend school), and those 18 -25 with Special Educational Needs or Care leavers, experiencing emotional dysregulation and associated behaviours.
We will deliver therapeutic services for children and young people in one-to-one appointments or groups in blocks of between 6-12 weeks. These therapy services include Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) and creative therapy.
Children and young people can be referred by a Social Worker, Personal Advisors (for care leavers without a Social Worker) or Family Solutions worker, GP/Nurse or professional of CAMHS/NELFT, or by requesting a referral form over email.
If you would like to contact the team to discuss the project or make a referral, please email: shortinterventiontherapy@northkentmind.co.uk
(Please note that referrals made for CYP receiving support from an early help worker will only be offered group intervention)
For more information watch our Short Intervention Therapy (SIT) video.
Download printable Short Intervention Therapy (SIT) poster: