For referrals to Wellbeing Services (Medway) please use the Self-referral form
Self-Help Condition Based Groups
The programme, of 2-hour self-help groups supporting individuals for 3 months. Attendees are 17+ with mental health concerns can engage in group work. Through empowerment, training plans, recovery, and support, service users can become volunteers and service facilitators. The process facilitated and supported by the peer support worker who has lived experience, with support and appropriate training.
Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia
Over the course of 3 months, we will be running a course designed for those who struggle with social anxiety and agoraphobia. Our course will alternate weekly running online and in person, gently motivating those who otherwise struggle to get out into the community to stretch their comfort zones and learn the skills they require to overcome their fears. We will look to understand our agoraphobia, challenge our negative beliefs and build our confidence.
Over the course of 12 weeks, we will be offering peer support and engagement around how we manage depression, the root causes of depression and our personal triggers of depression. We will also explore how our emotions effect our thoughts and behaviours, the impact our depression had on our daily routine and coping strategies that can help support our recovery, as well as ways to challenge our negative thinking patterns and greater improve our wellbeing.
Hearing Voices
Hearing Voices is a bespoke 3 month course, designed for those who struggle with auditory hallucinations. We aim to improve our self-awareness, developing our identity outside of our diagnosis, improving self-confidence as well as managing daily routines and empowering ourselves.